Registered since the 16 of july 2012 as historical monument, the Jean LInard's Cathedral is a remarkable example of "Outsider Art " in situ representing an undeniable aesthetic and historic interest, which should be considered as a national heritage and protected in the same way as a castle of the XV th century.
Made up of a large vernacular house and a garden full of monumental sculptures, this environment is a "total work of art" where architecture, sculpture, ceramics, mosaic and environmental art are explored simultaneously. The home of the artist in which Jean LInard has spent most of his life, it is a place of cultural and historical interest with a certain poetic quality . Built using gleaned local materials of recuperation in harmony with the surrounding nature, this master-piece is classed as sustainable architecture i.e. it is environmental friendly architecture .




After the departure of the artist in february 2010, the family unable to take on the huge task of maintenance and renovation of such a place, decided to put it up for sale. A nonprofit association called "Autour de la Cathedrale de Jean Linard" was created in early april 2012, with the goal of protecting and highlighting this place.

The association is currently working on the implementation of a long- term cultural project to develop the artistic, cultural and social potential of this site.